Kate Dinon

PR magician Kate Dinon on why a tiny museum in Tasmania is leading the way for brand messaging, how gratitude should be a corporate value, and the paradoxical pleasure of being mistaken for the CEO’s assistant.


Publicist and tech start-up champion Kate Dinon has no qualms about keeping it real in the latest episode of Tell It Like It Is, with candid discussions of many spicy topics, from branding to breastfeeding in public. Listen as Kate and I unpack everything from why honesty is always the best policy and why Kate has serious work to do in diversity and inclusion for her own firm, Character + Distinction. Kate also opens up about her own MeToo moment (it’s WILD, honestly), and why feminism has become a bit of a dirty word in some circles. Funny, candid and insightful, Kate and I agree that it’s time we stopped limiting ourselves by our own expectations - so download now, put the kettle on and get empowered!


Rachael Amesbury


Alexa Shoen