Financier Jennifer Dowling-Rowe on traveling with newborns, why you should always talk about things when they’re going wrong and the need for more women in the investing community.

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Jennifer Dowling Rowe is a wearer of many hats. She’s the Co-Founder of Headwaters Volatility Solutions, a pioneering hedge fund alternative, she’s a marathon runner, and oh yes - she’s a mother to six children! Find out how she’s managed (hint - it’s not about being perfect).. Jenny and I dive headfirst into why running a business is like a marriage (especially when your co-founder is your husband), why Jenny chooses to take her children with her to international business conferences, and why being the only woman in the room needs to change. Jenny also opens up about a shocking #MeToo moment while she was still in her teens, and gets real about returning to work after a nine-year year break to raise her family. Understated, sophisticated, and one-hundred-percent motivated, find out what makes Jennifer tick in this week’s episode. 




Dr. Manisha Singal