Healthtech pioneer Maryline Marquet on home care innovation, the economic value of human life, and why no one is telling her what to do.

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How much is a single year of your life worth? It may surprise you to learn the government has a price...and it’s probably less than you think..  Discover the shocking truth about the economic value of human beings, with health-tech pioneer Maryline Marquet. Maryline is the VP of Operations for APACMed, the Asia-Pacific Medical Technology Association, alongside sitting on the board for a number of digital healthcare companies including the London-based Avegen, and Paris founded start-up FeelEat. Maryline and I discuss healthcare innovation as part of a larger value system which includes education, and how populism takes advantage of a lack of education to exploit the vulnerable. Maryline and I also delve into why there aren’t more women in prominent medical positions and the compassionate role that Midwives play everyday. Health and healthcare is one of the most intimate and universal experiences of our lives. We need more perspectives in our understanding of how we approach it, and Maryline offers a thoughtful discussion on the issues surrounding it. 


