Lisa Kohn

Fortune 500 Leadership Consultant Lisa Kohn on her turbulent childhood as a cult survivor, battling with addiction, and her journey to forgiveness.

There’s something unnerving about the phrase ‘mild cocaine habit’, but Lisa Kohn owns it.  She opens up with me about the stories behind her latest book, ‘To the Moon and Back: A Childhood Under the Influence’ in which she details her turbulent childhood and early adulthood as a cult survivor, and her battle with addiction. There’s so much in Lisa’s story that’s remarkable, from watching her mother be married at a mass wedding at Madison Square Garden, to snorting lines of coke with her father’s friend, the Judge. But Lisa’s story, despite the many twists and turns, is a human story at heart - a heroine’s journey in processing trauma and finding a path out of it to get on with life. Stuff we’ve all been through and stuff we’re all still trying to learn.


Dr. Manisha Singal


Michal Levison