Michal Levison

Culture expert Michal Levison on using food to combat loneliness at work, how an injury ended dreams of becoming a classical musician, and separating Jewish culture from religion.


Imagine a consulting firm, but instead of crafting powerpoints and spreadsheets, you help teams connect and collaborate….with food! Well, that’s what Michal Levison has done by launching (or should we say ‘lunching’) Seasoned Moments. Michal has been on a mission to use food as a gateway to create relationships, fight burnout and fuel innovation. She joins me to talk about her work, how ‘Zoom meals’ are combating loneliness during COVID-19, and how she pivoted her entire life plan following a career-ending injury as a classically trained pianist aged just 17. Michal also speaks candidly about the differences between growing up in Israel, vs the fast paced mentality of 1980s New York, and the first hand horror stories of working in advertising that taught her that it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. 


Lisa Kohn


2020 US Election Special