Best for Britain CEO Naomi Smith on confronting YouTube’s radicalisation of young men, racial injustice during the Northern Ireland Conflict, and what went wrong with the remain alliance.

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Joining me on this week’s Power Done Differently is Naomi Smith, CEO of the pro-Europe campaign group Best for Britain, and co-host of one of my favourite podcasts, ‎OH GOD, WHAT NOW? Naomi has been up close on some of the most significant political failures in the UK over the last decade. She was one of the few who predicted that the last election would end badly for Remainers, but when she tried to warn them, she was shouted down by MPs. So of course we talk about Brexit, the Labour Party and the Lib Dem's, but we also talk about so much more. Naomi gets candid about growing up in Northern Ireland during the troubles, what that can teach us about a post Brexit/Trump world, and how the racial harassment of a classmate by a teacher exposed her to how power can corrupt, and how abusers will use that power. We explore the role big tech has in the radicalisation of young men and directing violence towards women, alongside why most politicians don’t have the real life experience to be good leaders. While Naomi claims she has no interest in running for office again, I can’t help but feel politics would be all the better for having more women like Naomi Smith in power.

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