Former Utah State Science Advisor Dr. Carol Curchoe on redefining IVF lab management, not fitting stereotypes, and why the politicization of education risks becoming like the Handmaid’s Tale.

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Diving right into the controversial topics, renowned biologist, fertility expert, and former Utah State Science Advisor, Dr Carol Curchoe joins me to talk about everything from abortion terminology and vaccine denialism to the challenges of STEM cell research in the US. A high school dropout with a complicated family background, Dr Curchoe didn’t take the usual path to becoming a distinguished scientist and successful start-up entrepreneur. She managed to break the cycle of poverty and become the first in her family to go to college, gaining her GED and working part time as a waitress - something she says should be akin to national service! In this week’s Power Done Differently episode, Dr Curchoe and I delve into her journey from smoking cigarettes in the high school car park to founding ART Compass, a successful startup which modernises the technology IVF labs use for automating data and improving patient care. We also discuss the importance of mentors, not fitting stereotypes, and the Handmaid's Tale-esque politicization of science education across America. Dr Curchoe is a passionate advocate for taking the pain out of IVF, and that compassion and candour for one of the hardest experiences women will go through really stands out in the interview, so press download and listen now.

Real, relatable, or downright wrong? We want to know!
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Explore Dr Curchoe's life changing work at: www.artcompass.io


