Evan Sargent

Graphic designer Evan Sargent on why your client is WAY more useful than your boss, the joys of all-female leadership, and how getting fired was actually a good thing.


Rome wasn’t built in a day, but if Evan Sargent had been around back then, it might well have been. Evan is the Co-Founder of the Brooklyn based creative agency, Commit, and in this week’s episode she reveals how her business model of lightning-fast brand-building - 24 hours from concept to completion - works wonders for time-strapped entrepreneurs. Evan and I also discuss what it means for a brand to be labeled as ‘world-changing’, why women rather than men automatically have the responsibility of representing other oppressed minorities, and why the client should be directing the creative process the whole way through. Feminine leadership is a hot topic in this episode and Evan explains why having an all-female company, and a client base made up of 80% women, is a refreshing alternative to traditional structures of power and influence. Get inspired: listen now!


Verity Tuck


Rachael Amesbury