NYC Mayoral candidate Dianne Morales on feminine leadership, what defunding the police actually means, and why the system is rigged against women of colour.

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If elected, Dianne Morales would be the first woman, and woman of colour to be Mayor of New York City. She’s been challenging the white dudes in suits tropes we’ve seen since the beginning of time her whole career. The former CEO of a community driven non-profit, Dianne wants to shake up the system from the top down, and describes herself as 'an ally from within'. On this week’s episode, Dianne and I talk about what it really means to defund the police, the challenges she’s faced being a minority woman in a leadership role, and how the American education system is continuing to fail Women of Colour in terms of advancing them into positions of power. An empowering episode, with deep and nuanced discussions of a range of social justice issues, Dianne’s time on the podcast gives us hope for the future of female influence - you’ll be thinking about it for days after.


Frankee Adams


Aradhna Tayal