Serial entrepreneur, turned beauty disrupter, Divya Gugnani on creating fewer, faster and cleaner beauty products, why she’s slow to hire and quick to fire, and how you don’t need to be a natural salesperson to succeed in business.

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Quite the opposite of many of my Power Done Differently guests, Divya Gugnani never had huge aspirations growing up. Instead, all she wanted was to be a mid-level lawyer living in suburban utopia; white picket fence and all. But 60+ investments and a talent for co-founding successful start-ups are proof of her ‘accidental’ entrepreneurial story, and she’s not building that picket fence anytime soon. Listen as Divya shares her journey from proudly working 80 hour weeks at Goldman Sachs to hosting a cooking show on NBC, selling her e-commerce business to QVC for millions and co-founding Wander Beauty, a cosmetic company that specialise in multi-purpose beauty products for women constantly on the go. Divya also opens up about the personal pain points behind launching Wander, why she’s slow to hire and quick to fire, and how taking investment can be like a marriage without divorce. Honest and down to earth, Divya’s episode is well worth a download for anyone who doubts their own risk-taking abilities. You too can achieve great things.


