Tracey Lovejoy

Best-selling author Tracey Lovejoy on making a Co-CEO model work, and getting past her beliefs that being successful was evil.


Has there ever been a catchier book title than ‘Move Fast, Break Shit, Burn Out: The Catalyst Guide to Working Well’? This week, I’m joined by the author of said catchy book, social scientist and performance coach Tracey Lovejoy. Tracy has worked as a coach with many major brands - Amazon, Facebook, Google and Vodafone, and sets herself apart from the sea of life coaches with one word: research. In this episode, Tracey explains how her background as a social scientist has been essential in building a no BS brand, how she’s managed to make the Co-CEO model work for her, and how we can avoid the career mistake equivalent of calling someone else’s baby ugly. If you’re wondering what coaching is really about, and how it overlaps with therapy, you’ve come to the right place. Download now for an insightful conversation into optimising your career goals, as well as a hot-take on why Sex and the City is not everyone’s favourite show.


Amanda Brill


Lynn Power