Cassandra Rae Pittman

I turn the mic on myself and dive headfirst into why success is just another word for freedom, moving to Europe aged 18 with just $250 in my pocket, and why democratising power at the executive level is the most important task ahead of us all.


You asked for it, and you've got it. It’s my turn to sit on the other side of the studio table. Asking the questions is the familiar voice of Alexa Shoen, the first ever guest on the podcast, who probes gently and deeply into what makes me, a) so badass, and b) so Cassandra. I tell the story of the philosophy behind the podcast - why it’s needed, what it’s inspired by and how it came to be a reality. I’m introspectively honest about my troubled childhood, and dissect the self-identified arrogance of my early 20s, hypothesizing that it was probably a good thing to ask for outlandish sums of money outright when I got into the business world. I also talk about how curiosity pushed my career forward, and how becoming a mother highlighted how those ‘outdated’ ideas of what feminism in the corporate world looks like (i.e. maternity cover and lack of breastfeeding facilities) are still very much modern, unresolved issues. 


Lynn Power


Andrea Enright